
Monday, April 29, 2013

Monthly Goals Linky - I {heart} Recess

I survived Monday!  I still have 6 more to go before school ends for the year.  It is a little too early for me to get excited about my summer, but I am beginning to see a sparkle of light in the tunnel. 

Today I am linking up with Jess at I {heart} Recess!  She is helping us to stay focused and set goals for the month of May. 

I am all about having my students set goals each quarter.  I have them write them down and revisit them several times throughout the quarter.  I hold them accountable for putting forth their best effort in reaching their goals.

Well, now it is my turn!  I frequently set small and large goals for myself, but I don’t write them down.  Today I am putting them in “blogging world” for all to see.  I am hoping this will help me stay on focused!

Personal I am an “All -Time Professional Worrier”!  I wake up worrying, worry throughout the day, and worry until I fall off to sleep.  Most of my worrying is about things that are totally out of my control or things that are meaningless.  I need to learn to let some things go.  This month I will do a better job at being happy about the many blessings I have in my life.

Health I am not an overeater but my eating habits are horrible.  I go all day without eating and then eat a large meal at the end of the day.  Two weeks ago I began faithfully taking my lunch each day with healthy snacks that I can eat throughout the day.   I have all ready stopped the one large meal in the evening because I don’t come home starving!

Blogging I have been blogging for two weeks now and this is my 8th post.  I want to keep this going.  I also hope to make some connections with some of my favorite bloggers.  I learn so much from them and enjoy reading their posts.  If you are looking for a new “Blogging Buddy” email me!

School I am going to use better time management and complete my lesson plans and most of all of my grading during my planning periods.  I want to have the freedom to do what I want to do with my evenings.  I will not let the “Paper Monster” control my evenings and weekends.

Fun Unplugging technology in my house is HARD!  Laptops, televisions, game systems, cell phones, and pads are a constant.  I am going to pull my 14 year old twin boys away from it all and spend some quality time with them.  Before you know it they will be off to college.  So I am going to make memories while I can!  
Do you have your students set goals in your classroom?  How often? How do you hold them accountable? 
Don’t forget to link up with Jess at I {heart} Recess.  Together we can keep each other motivated!


  1. I know what you mean about worry, it is something I struggle with too. I started to keep a gratitude journal for a while to help get me out of my "funk."

    Hunter's Tales from Teaching

    1. Bethany, I love the idea of a gratitude journal. It can be small book that I can carry around in my purse and pull out when my thoughts start to go wild. Thanks Bethany! You are all ready getting me one step closer!

  2. I am new to the blogging world too! I am excited to read your posts! I think we can get more followers by the end of the month! I would be happy to be a new blogging buddy! We can do this!

    Rosie's Rambles

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Rose. We definitely can do this!

  3. Love your Fun Goal! Just today both my boys learned how to ride their bikes without training wheels, love making memories like that! Love that you mentioned keeping each other accountable, I am thinking this summer of starting a healthy linky party since we all have room to make improvements there :) You can loose 5lbs in a month! Good luck!


    Thanks for linking up!

    1. What a memory! I remember the look on their faces when they realized they were riding on their own! Their smiles will never be erased from my memory. If you host a healthy linky party this summer... you can count me in! Thank you for the encouragement!

  4. I really like your blogging goal! Setting a goal to 3 posts a week is great! At first it feels a bit overwhelming to learn all of the ins and outs of blogging...but as you get to know other bloggers and what's going on it becomes second nature!...and it's very ADDICTING! My coworker and I just started up our blog a few months ago! It's such a unique fun way to stay connected with what's going on in education outside your classroom/school!

    I found you through the May Goals linky party! I am your newest follower! Would love it if you stopped on by!

    Table Talk with C & C

  5. Hello Caitlin. I am glad you decided to stop by today. It has been a bit overwhelming but I am enjoying the ride so far. My motivation to blog is high due to all the great bloggers out there that are stopping by and leaving such wonderful comments. I have always enjoyed reading about what others are doing in ther classrooms so I think that it is important for me to share, too.

    Thanks for leaving your blog address. I am on my way over for a visit!
