
Monday, June 3, 2013

June Currently and Goals

This is my first link up with Farley’s Currently.  I am excited to be part of the mix, but I am a couple of days late.

Listening to absolute quiet and loving it.  Where I live the neighborhood children are outside playing all day when the weather is nice.  While I love that they are outside and not locked in their rooms with the latest technology in their hand; I love having some quiet time in my room.
Loving that there are only two weeks left of this school year.  This year seems to move pretty quickly, but I had a very active and talkative class.   Each year I welcome the chance to get to know a new group and enjoy the various personalities.
Thinking about working on yearly plans for next school year.  I always start with yearly plans and work my way down.  I try to get my yearly and monthly plans out of the way at the beginning of the summer so I can relax without thinking about them.  For me, they are the most time consuming.  Then the fun can begin of gathering new things to decorate and organize my classroom!
Wanting time to relax and rejuvenate before the new school year begins.  I am going to do a better job this summer of balancing between relaxing, spending time with my sons, reading, and working on school things.  I look forward to making a trip to visit my mom in Georgia.
Needing to clean out all the closets in my house.  This is my number one goal for my home this summer.  I need to donate clothes and shoes that my sons and I no longer wear.  I also need to clean the hall closet, which is filled with school items that I am no longer using.
Vacay Items I don’t know what I would do without my phone.  I love being able to contact people wherever I am and the option is also there to check my emails.  A camera is definitely needed to document and have visual memories of my trip.  I don’t like my feet hurting!  When my feet hurt every part of my body begins to hurt and then I get grumpy.  Comfy shoes are a must! I don’t want to be miserable while traveling.
If you haven’t been over to visit Farley at Oh’ Boy Fourth Grade, you must do so as soon as you finish reading my post! 

Now it is time for me to link up with Jess at I {Heart}Recess for my June goals!  Blogging about my monthly goals will help to keep me accountable for them.
I didn’t do as well as I would have liked for May’s goals. Here's the run down:
Personal I did a little better with not worrying so much.  I still worried quite a bit, but anything less is progress for me.  Baby steps, right?
Health I am pleased with myself in this area.  I cut down tremendously on eating out and have done a great job of eating before it gets too late in the evening.
Blogging My goal was to blog at least 3 times a week and I failed at this terribly.  I only had 6 posts throughout the month of May. 
School Papers have stayed at school and lesson plans were completed during my planning periods.
Fun My sons and I have been busy this month.  They completed their first year of high school a couple of weeks ago and I am still working.  I have gotten them to talk to me on several occasions.  That is huge for my boys.
Here are my June goals:
Personal This is explained above in the Currently.
Family My sons and I enjoy being in the house.  We are going to spend some quality time out of the house each week.  I have all ready lined up our activities.
Health I will continue with eating only meals that I prepare, keeping the calorie count low and not eating pass 7:00 p.m.
School This is explained above in the Currently.
Blog/TPT I will have more time to work on building blogging relationships and posting more often.  I am setting my goal at three posts a week.  My goal for my TPT Store is three quality products posted by June 30th.
Reading I need to reread “Building Mathematical Comprehension Using Literacy Strategies to Make Meaning” written by Laney Sammons this month.  When I read the book the first time I was just beginning to use Guided Math/Math Workshop in my classroom (which I love and will never go back to teaching math only whole group) and I did not implement what I learned in this text.  I plan to really take it in this time.  I will post about my learning.
How did you do with your May goals?  What new goals have you set for yourself?
Don’t forget to link up with Jess at I {Heart} Recess.  Together we can keep each other motivated!
Please be kind and leave me a comment before you go.  I enjoy replying through email.  I am still a newbie in the blog world so don’t forget to leave me a link to your blog, too.


  1. I am very interested in the book you listed in your reading goals...I'm going to check it out now!

    First Grade Magic

  2. I need to clear out my closets too! And my garage. We moved a few months ago and stashed things everywhere. Now it's time to organize. Your books look very interesting. I will have to take a look at them!
    Learning In Wonderland

  3. Isn't funny how much teachers think about school during the summer? lol
    You sound super organized.
    I'm jealous.
    Antoinette :)

  4. You and I will be reading the same book this summer. I'm looking at a few math books as I work on running math workshop in my classroom next year. Enjoy your last few weeks of school-you are almost there!

    Hunter's Tales from Teaching

  5. Closets are on my list too! This sounds so simple, but I read in a magazine once to organize one thing a day (drawer, cabinet, pantry, etc.) and at the end of the month you'll have 30 things done! I start a lot of projects at one time and end up with a mess! haha
    Head Over Heels For Teaching
