Okay, yes, I am a little late to the party. The good thing is that it is still Monday.

Up first is my “Smile Box”.
This will be used for my students to write thank-you notes to their
classmates for doing something throughout the week that made them smile. Each morning during morning meeting I will
read two of three and the students will be able to add the thank-you note to
their rings. They will keep their rings
on the side of their desk to read when they need a little pick-me-up.
I bought the tin container from Hobby Lobby on clearance for
80% off! It was white and lime green,
but I spray painted it to match my classroom decorations. (This year I am decorating my room with
denim, smiley faces, and daisies. You can read about it here.)
After spray painting the container, I added the smiley faces on
two sides and denim pockets on the opposite two sides. The pockets will hold the slips for the
students to complete. The completed
forms will be placed inside the container.
My second project was desperately needed! Each of my students have a number that they
use for various things in our classroom.
Previously I have used popsicle sticks with numbers written on them with
a black sharpie marker to assist me in randomly calling on students. I see so many beautiful ones on Pinterest, so
I decided it was time for me to step up my game. Here is my new set. I like these so much better.

Lastly, are my helpful overalls. My mom bought these for me from a thrift store
and sewed the legs up and folded them in the inside. I will use this beside my small group table
to hold all of my favorite writing utensils and small group supplies. After I get my classroom set up, I promise to
come back and show you pictures of how it looks with my actual supplies in it. I will purchase a cute child size hanger
before it goes in my classroom, so please ignore the oversized back hanger.
I am happy to have these three projects completed. Don’t forget to stop by 4th Grade Frolics to see the other Monday Made It projects.
Take care!